What Web Can Do Today?

Can I rely on the Web Platform features to build my app?

An overview of the device integration HTML5 APIs

Screen Orientation & Lock

The Screen Orientation API allows Web applications to get the information about the current orientation of the document (portrait or landscape) as well as to lock the screen orientation in a requested state.

The current version of the specification defines this feature fully within window.screen.orientation object. The previous version, implemented once in Microsoft Edge, separated the orientation lock to window.screen.lockOrientation.

API glimpse

Returns the current screen orientation type as one of portrait-primary, portrait-secondary (upside down), landscape-primary and landscape-secondary (upside down).
window.screen.orientation.addEventListener('change', listener)
An event fired when the document orientation has changed.
Requests a screen lock in the lockType specified. Returns a Promise resolved when the lock was acquired successfully.
Removes previously acquired screen orientation lock.

Live Demo

Current screen orientation is unknown.

  • var $ = document.getElementById.bind(document);
    var orientKey = 'orientation';
    if ('mozOrientation' in screen) {
      orientKey = 'mozOrientation';
    } else if ('msOrientation' in screen) {
      orientKey = 'msOrientation';
    var target = $('logTarget');
    var device = $('device');
    var orientationTypeLabel = $('orientationType');
    function logChange (event) {
      var timeBadge = new Date().toTimeString().split(' ')[0];
      var newState = document.createElement('p');
      newState.innerHTML = '<span class="badge">' + timeBadge + '</span> ' + event + '.';
    if (screen[orientKey]) {
      function update() {
        var type = screen[orientKey].type || screen[orientKey];
        orientationTypeLabel.innerHTML = type;
        var landscape = type.indexOf('landscape') !== -1;
        if (landscape) {
          device.style.width = '180px';
          device.style.height = '100px';
        } else {
          device.style.width = '100px';
          device.style.height = '180px';
        var rotate = type.indexOf('secondary') === -1 ? 0 : 180;
        var rotateStr = 'rotate(' + rotate + 'deg)';
        device.style.webkitTransform = rotateStr;
        device.style.MozTransform = rotateStr;
        device.style.transform = rotateStr;
      var onOrientationChange = null;
      if ('onchange' in screen[orientKey]) { // newer API
        onOrientationChange = function () {
          logChange('Orientation changed to <b>' + screen[orientKey].type + '</b>');
        screen[orientKey].addEventListener('change', onOrientationChange);
      } else if ('onorientationchange' in screen) { // older API
        onOrientationChange = function () {
          logChange('Orientation changed to <b>' + screen[orientKey] + '</b>');
        screen.addEventListener('orientationchange', onOrientationChange);
      // browsers require full screen mode in order to obtain the orientation lock
      var goFullScreen = null;
      var exitFullScreen = null;
      if ('requestFullscreen' in document.documentElement) {
        goFullScreen = 'requestFullscreen';
        exitFullScreen = 'exitFullscreen';
      } else if ('mozRequestFullScreen' in document.documentElement) {
        goFullScreen = 'mozRequestFullScreen';
        exitFullScreen = 'mozCancelFullScreen';
      } else if ('webkitRequestFullscreen' in document.documentElement) {
        goFullScreen = 'webkitRequestFullscreen';
        exitFullScreen = 'webkitExitFullscreen';
      } else if ('msRequestFullscreen') {
        goFullScreen = 'msRequestFullscreen';
        exitFullScreen = 'msExitFullscreen';
      $('lock').addEventListener('click', function () {
        document.documentElement[goFullScreen] && document.documentElement[goFullScreen]();
        var promise = null;
        if (screen[orientKey].lock) {
          promise = screen[orientKey].lock(screen[orientKey].type);
        } else {
          promise = screen.orientationLock(screen[orientKey]);
          .then(function () {
            logChange('Screen lock acquired');
            $('unlock').style.display = 'block';
            $('lock').style.display = 'none';
          .catch(function (err) {
            logChange('Cannot acquire orientation lock: ' + err);
            document[exitFullScreen] && document[exitFullScreen]();
      $('unlock').addEventListener('click', function () {
        document[exitFullScreen] && document[exitFullScreen]();
        if (screen[orientKey].unlock) {
        } else {
        logChange('Screen lock removed.');
        $('unlock').style.display = 'none';
        $('lock').style.display = 'block';
  • <div id="device"></div>
    <p>Current screen orientation is <b id="orientationType">unknown</b>.</p>
      <button id="lock">Lock in current orientation</button>
      <button id="unlock">Release the lock</button>
    <p id="logTarget"></p>
  • #device {
      margin: 10px;
      border: 1px solid black;
      border-radius: 10px;
    #device:after {
      content: 'A';
      font: 80px serif;
      display: block;
      text-align: center;
    #unlock {
      display: none;


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