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An overview of the device integration HTML5 APIs

Device Motion

The first-generation device motions support is a part of Device Orientation API. It allows Web applications to access the accelerometer data expressed as acceleration (in m/s2) and gyroscope data expressed as rotation angle change (in °/s) for each of the three dimensions, provided as events.

Since mid-2018 the newer, separate specifications for each sensor type, based on the Generic Sensor API are being introduced. The APIs providing direct access to the readings of physical devices (Accelerometer API, Gyroscope API and Magnetometer API) as well as high-level fusion sensors made up by combining the readings of the physical sensors (Linear Acceleration Sensor API and Gravity Sensor API).

For the detection of the device's static position and orientation, see Device Position.

API glimpse

As a part of (older) Device Orientation API

window.addEventListener('devicemotion', listener)
An event fired when the significant changes in the device's acceleration or rotation has occured.
A part of the event's payload returning the data about the current device's acceleration excluding gravity for all three axes (acceleration.x, acceleration.y, acceleration.z).
A part of the event's payload returning the data about the current device's acceleration including gravity if the device is unable to provide the data without the gravity effect using event.acceleration.
A part of the event's payload returning the data about the current device's rotation rates for all three axes (rotationRate.alpha, rotationRate.beta, rotationRate.gamma).
A part of the event's payload returning the interval (in ms) at which the data is obtained from the accelerometer.

Accelerometer API

sensor = new Accelerometer()
Creates an object serving as a direct accessor to the accelerometer readings.
sensor.addEventListener('reading', listener)
An event fired when the accelerometer reading has changed, indicating that the sensor object contains updated acceleration in rad/s for all three axes (sensor.x, sensor.y, sensor.z).
Starts listening for the sensor readings.

Gyroscope API

sensor = new Gyroscope()
Creates an object serving as a direct accessor to the gyroscope readings.
sensor.addEventListener('reading', listener)
An event fired when the gyroscope reading has changed, indicating that the sensor object contains updated angular velocity in rad/s for all three axes (sensor.x, sensor.y, sensor.z).
Starts listening for the sensor readings.

Magnetometer API

sensor = new Magnetometer()
Creates an object serving as a direct accessor to the magnetometer readings.
sensor.addEventListener('reading', listener)
An event fired when the magnetometer reading has changed, indicating that the sensor object contains updated magnetic field for all three axes (sensor.x, sensor.y, sensor.z).
Starts listening for the sensor readings.

Linear Acceleration Sensor API

sensor = new LinearAccelerationSensor()
Creates an object serving as an accessor to the linear acceleration readings based on accelerometer and either gyroscope or magnetometer.
sensor.addEventListener('reading', listener)
An event fired when the accelerometer reading has changed, indicating that the sensor object contains updated acceleration values in m/s2 for all three axes (sensor.x, sensor.y, sensor.z).
Starts listening for the sensor readings.

Gravity Sensor API

sensor = new GravitySensor()
Creates an object serving as an accessor to the gravity readings based on accelerometer and gyroscope.
sensor.addEventListener('reading', listener)
An event fired when the accelerometer reading has changed, indicating that the sensor object contains updated acceleration values in m/s2 for all three axes (sensor.x, sensor.y, sensor.z).
Starts listening for the sensor readings.

Live Demo

API used
linear acceleration (excl. gravity)
acceleration incl. gravity
rotation rate
interval (ms)

Demo based on HTML5 Rocks article.

  • if ('LinearAccelerationSensor' in window && 'Gyroscope' in window) {
      document.getElementById('moApi').innerHTML = 'Generic Sensor API';
      let lastReadingTimestamp;
      let accelerometer = new LinearAccelerationSensor();
      accelerometer.addEventListener('reading', e => {
        if (lastReadingTimestamp) {
          intervalHandler(Math.round(accelerometer.timestamp - lastReadingTimestamp));
        lastReadingTimestamp = accelerometer.timestamp
        accelerationHandler(accelerometer, 'moAccel');
      if ('GravitySensor' in window) {
        let gravity = new GravitySensor();
        gravity.addEventListener('reading', e => accelerationHandler(gravity, 'moAccelGrav'));
      let gyroscope = new Gyroscope();
      gyroscope.addEventListener('reading', e => rotationHandler({
        alpha: gyroscope.x,
        beta: gyroscope.y,
        gamma: gyroscope.z
    } else if ('DeviceMotionEvent' in window) {
      document.getElementById('moApi').innerHTML = 'Device Motion API';
      var onDeviceMotion = function (eventData) {
        accelerationHandler(eventData.acceleration, 'moAccel');
        accelerationHandler(eventData.accelerationIncludingGravity, 'moAccelGrav');
      window.addEventListener('devicemotion', onDeviceMotion, false);
    } else {
      document.getElementById('moApi').innerHTML = 'No Accelerometer & Gyroscope API available';
    function accelerationHandler(acceleration, targetId) {
      var info, xyz = "[X, Y, Z]";
      info = xyz.replace("X", acceleration.x && acceleration.x.toFixed(3));
      info = info.replace("Y", acceleration.y && acceleration.y.toFixed(3));
      info = info.replace("Z", acceleration.z && acceleration.z.toFixed(3));
      document.getElementById(targetId).innerHTML = info;
    function rotationHandler(rotation) {
      var info, xyz = "[X, Y, Z]";
      info = xyz.replace("X", rotation.alpha && rotation.alpha.toFixed(3));
      info = info.replace("Y", rotation.beta && rotation.beta.toFixed(3));
      info = info.replace("Z", rotation.gamma && rotation.gamma.toFixed(3));
      document.getElementById("moRotation").innerHTML = info;
    function intervalHandler(interval) {
      document.getElementById("moInterval").innerHTML = interval;
  • <table>
        <td>API used</td>
        <td id="moApi"></td>
        <td>linear acceleration (excl. gravity)</td>
        <td id="moAccel"></td>
        <td>acceleration incl. gravity</td>
        <td id="moAccelGrav"></td>
        <td>rotation rate</td>
        <td id="moRotation"></td>
        <td>interval (ms)</td>
        <td id="moInterval"></td>
    <p><small>Demo based on <a href="https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/device/orientation/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">HTML5 Rocks</a> article.</small></p>


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